Ask My Mom!

Hey friends! Have you ever had a problem that didn't know how to solve? Been in a jam and didn't want to face the judging tone of your partner or parole officer? Needed advice, but didn't want to ask anyone close to you, so that you can keep hiding how shitty your life is? Oh my god, guess what? I have a very temporary band-aid solution for you! I have spoken about my mother before on The Skip-Raid, and for all of you out there who know my mom know that she is full of very helpful, usually funny advice. Trust - my life is in constant shambles - I get advice from my mother on the daily. And with that being said, my mother needs a rest from me; there is only so much she can do with me. I'm hopeless. The woman needs a vacation. And your problems are just that vacation!!! Hopefully this can be a bi-monthly thing (if you like it) but I need your help. Y'all need to write in with your questions.
All questions will be kept anonymous (or you can think of a funny handle to use) so don't hold back - ask my mom any goddamn thing you want. And you can send them in one of two ways: leave your question(s) in the comment's section of this post or email it to
skipraid@gmail.comSo get going! Ask my mom anything!
How did you give birth to such a bitchy turd? Fuck off!!! Questions like that will not be tolerated!
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